Sunday, July 09, 2006

Rambling On

Rambling on.... I do this. My mind is a sea of thoughts, but unfortunately, they do not always come to the surface in an organized and cohesive way - therefore I leave my audience confused and bewildered.

Concentration: I picked up a course on CD from The Teaching Company about Argumentation at the public library. It is an interesting course so far. But, I am aware of something as I listened to the professor: I have a really hard time concentrating. When I go to a church service, I find my mind wonders while the sermon is being delivered. I have to consciously listen to what is being said - or I will just drift off into the la-la land of thought. But, if I concentrate too much, then I focus on the fact that I am concentrating on listening and end up not actually listening and absorbing what is being said.

This evidence of concentration lapses, although present for quite some time, did not occur to me that I probably suffer from some degree of ADD. Not to diagnose myself. I am certain that many others suffer from this - and only a small percentage are actually diagnosed professionally as being ADD or would be if tested. There is some normal level of this present for most of us too. The key is knowing what is normal and what is not.

So - what do I do with this piece of knowledge, this concern? I don't know.

When I am actively creating something, like my present endeavor of writing this entry, I don't notice it. But, I do notice that I have a hard time keeping in mind all the points I want to make while writing. When writing, I am afraid I will forget some point, but I don't want to stop writing and write it down, as I will then lose my train of thought of the time. I guess this warrants thinking about what to write before I sit down to write - making a list of points or topics I want to cover and in which order. This would help me lay it out more methodically and cover all the points I want to. This is as opposed to just having a general idea of what one wants to write about and then just spilling it from the brain like mental diarrhea. You just don't know when it will be an even stream or a blirted mess.

Okay - so I have successfully rambled on about my lack of concentration abilities and stream of conciousness writing about subjects and found some way to link the two. So, my question is: "Does any of this make any sense to you?"


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