Friday, March 03, 2006

Yahoo Landing Page Different in Firefox vs. I.E.

I hardly ever use internet Explorer. I am a Firefox user. But, there is this annoying issue on Yahoo Mail where the buttons to take action on an email won't work inexplicably and randomly. It is a royal pain in the ass.

SO, tonight, trying to clean up by burgeoning mail box in Firefox, I revert to I.E. after tiring of the sporadic problem.

This brings me to the cover story on YAHOO about some idiot wrecking his million dollar Ferrari Enzo on the main page of Yahoo (under Internet Explorer). The story is so stupid that I wanted to highlight a portion and do the "Blog This" thing. BUT, I am in Internet Explorer, so I can't!

So, open up Firefox, navigate to Yahoo - and the story isn't there. And furthermore, the whole page is totally different with a lot of different stories.

Maybe this is old news, I don't know - I can see a layout difference - graphics varying and such - but WTF, totally different content. I couldn't care less about some rich bastard who wrecked his Ferrari while driving recklessly (up to 162 MPH, they estimate he was going over 100MPH when he crashed on the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway.) But, I need the link and I like the "Blog This" feature of firefox. See my next post for the blog - had to go there from the link jump.


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