Sunday, December 15, 2013

Common courtesy

Warning... I may just sound like some old person griping... but...

Driving often can be a frustrating experience, but over the years, I have learned to deal with that frustration by not letting it get to me and just accepting it as it is.  My rant about drivers right now is the prevalence of people not using their turn signals when changing lanes or turning. This doesn't make my blood boil like getting cut off or cheaters who cut in line. This is more of a light frustration. I feel it is now at epidemic proportion, much worse than ever. I am not sure of the demographics, if it is younger vs. older, but my suspicion is that it tilts to younger - although I know 20 somethings that religiously use their blinkers, and 40-somethings that don't and declare that it isn't that big a deal.

I have always been a follow the rules type of person in general, and very much that while driving.  It comes down to common courtesy to let people know your intentions and ultimately it is safer to use your turn signals.

While I agree with the notion of not making people take repeated written driving tests, but perhaps when people don't read the rules for 20 plus years, they get lax.  Perhaps it is just laziness or a more following the example of others not doing it that makes it more rampant today.

Do we need signs? A reminder campaign maybe?  Is this really not a big deal?  What do you think?  Does it make driving more dangerous or is it simply a courtesy thing?

So, my plea to all my non-readers - please use your turn signals. The driver behind you does appreciate it, or should.