Sunday, November 20, 2005

More interesting, less filling

Perhaps I need to learn brevity in my posting? Too many details tends to quash even the most hardy blog reader. Case in point, my detailed account of my deck painting project (which, by the way, ended well, with the 2nd coat going much faster and an end result I was very pleased with!). The trials and tribulations of any project can be amusing, but in graphic, excruciating detail, readers may lose interest. Then again, I have no readers that I know of (actually I now am tracking traffic, so I will be able to see if anyone actually stops by for a read. The key is getting people hooked and getting them to bookmark and return to the blog and not just move on to the next blog.)

I have always maintained that self-examination and critique can lead to growth - perhaps in a few years I will get this blogging thing down to a science and be rich and famous from it? (Yeah, right!)


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